Hi, my name is Bülent Üstün.

I'm a Full-Stack Software Developer with experience as a senior developer, team lead and software architect.
I have predominantly worked in Logistics, E-Business and E-Commerce industries.

I'm a hands-on technical leader who has built software products from the ground up, coordinated engineering teams, and provided guidance at the executive level.

I have started programming in an early age by using BASIC and I haven't stopped since. By developing a wide range of solutions over the years my skill set grew considerably. I'm always ambitious about becoming a better developer and mentor. When it comes to emerging technologies I care about finding the balance between what's trendy and what's really useful in the long run. I'm motivated by product success, business growth and personal development of everyone in my team.

I am cooperative, ambitious, inquisitive and dedicated.

Visit my LinkedIn profile for more career details.